End the Year with a Gift to Starlight

Attendance at our five Broadway productions and 25 concerts approached 300,000. Our 11 performing arts education programs reached more than 5,000 youth from age 5 through college. The Starlight community ticket program gave 11,284 people served by local nonprofits the chance to enjoy a Broadway musical for free. And, our new venue-wide sound system enhanced acoustics and the overall Starlight guest experience.
We hope that 2014 has been just as rewarding for you and yours.
Now, as attention turns to the upcoming holidays, all of us at Starlight hope that you will include our landmark outdoor theatre and beloved community resource on your “gift-giving” list. Your year-end charitable donation to the Starlight Theatre Annual Fund will help our 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization continue the good work it has done for the past 65 years – and prepare us to raise the bar ever higher for the next 65!
We invite you to watch our new video and think about the personal experiences and treasured memories that make you grateful for Starlight Theatre. Then, if you choose to show your gratitude with a year-end gift of any amount to Starlight’s Annual Fund, we send our sincere appreciation back to you.
Here’s how to give:
Text Starlight to 816.396.8590
Call 816.997.1127
Or, email development@kcstarlight.com
Thank you. And, best wishes for the happiest of holidays!