Program Donors
Charitable contributions help support Starlight’s mission to provide superior arts education and impactful community outreach opportunities to children and young adults throughout the metropolitan area.
This list reflects donations to Starlight Theatre’s education and outreach programming from the previous 12 months.

The Ronald D. Deffenbaugh Foundation
In Memory of Richard J. Van Winkle, Jr.
Jeannette and Jerome Cohen Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater KC

IMA Financial Group
Louis & Elizabeth Flarsheim Charitable Foundation,
Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
Greg & Rebecca Reid
Ora Reynolds & Curt Roberts
Union Pacific Foundation
Brian and Lesley Elwell
Kearney Wornall Foundation
Nancy Whitworth & Doug Ballou
Howard & Ro Jacobson
Henderson Engineers
JE Dunn Construction Company
McCownGordon Construction
Amy & Robert Wolf
Michael & Carrie Condon
Nikki & Brett Emison
Jenny Housley
Jan & Lee Morevitska
Becky Blades & Cary Phillips