When students are awarded Vincent Legacy Scholarships, they receive funds to apply toward professional training in the performing arts. They also receive opportunities to build and share their skills at Starlight and, perhaps equally important, they and their families become part of a larger Vincent Legacy family that has been growing since the program’s inception in 2006.
With support from program founders Greg and Rebecca Reid, Royals Charities and other donors, Starlight continues to build the opportunities for past and current Vincent Legacy Scholars and their families to interact with one another. Here are a few:
Annual Holiday Reunion
All scholars and families are encouraged to save the date of Saturday evening, Jan. 4, 2020, for the program’s highly anticipated annual holiday get-together. This year’s event will again take place in the Applause Club at Starlight where we’ll ring in a new year with a mixer/reception, buffet dinner, scholar performances, games, prizes and comments by the Reids and Starlight leaders. Scholar families will receive more details soon.
Community Tickets
To help scholars and families enjoy a Starlight Broadway musical together under the stars, Starlight included Vincent Legacy participants among the groups that could request free community tickets during the 2019 Broadway season. In addition to attending A Bronx Tale following the on-stage presentation of Starlight’s four newest Vincent Legacy Scholarship recipients Aug. 4, families of past scholars also had the opportunity to see performances of Beautiful and CATS.
Summer Performance Workshops
For the first time, Starlight offered opportunities to grow and develop their talents to students who auditioned for but did not win a Vincent Legacy Scholarship. A series of three free workshops, led by professional teaching artists, took place in summer 2019 at Starlight. A dance workshop focused on warm-up and stretching techniques and preparing for dance auditions. An acting workshop addressed selection and preparation of acting audition monologues, and a voice workshop covered how to select songs for auditions and determine music cuts. While attendance was limited for these initial offerings, the concept was strong and will be adjusted and expanded for future classes of scholars and auditionees.