For 32 years, Ingram’s has conducted their “Best of Business” Awards in Kansas City. Starlight has had the honor of winning a number of awards—including a Gold for Best Theater, Silvers for Best Concert Venue and Best Performing Arts Venue, and Bronze for Best Charitable Event in 2019.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the publication made the decision to awards businesses a little differently this year. Rather than having readers vote, Ingram’s rounded up a summary of the “Best of the Best”—a number of companies who have won the most Gold Awards over the years. Starlight is honored to be a part of this list with 19 Gold Awards since the awards inception 32 years ago. We’re proudly tied with Garozzo’s Ristorante in 11th-most of all time. Capital Grille took the top spot with an astounding 57 awards—something we hope to aspire to one day!
Thank you to all who voted in past years and Ingram’s for this honor. We appreciate Kansas Citian’s support throughout the years and especially in these challenging times!