Starlight Seniors—Corey Goodburn

Each summer Starlight gets a boost of youthful energy and creative thinking when our newest class of Bob Rohlf Interns arrives. Some of our awesome summer 2019 interns aren’t concluding their college careers quite as they expected, but they’re making the best of a tough situation. We proudly give them a virtual round of applause, starting with a KU senior who will earn his bachelor’s degree in Marketing with honors this May.
Senior, University of Kansas
2019 Starlight Bob Rohlf Intern, Development Department
Favorite college experience/memory:
Like most freshman, I lived in a dorm. I quickly felt at home because I met so many wonderful human beings on my floor, and one main reason we connected so well was because of our passion for theatre.
In high school, I was very active in community theatre and made a lot of great connections. Someone who I did a show with at The Culture House lived on my floor, and we became instant friends because of our shared passion for performing arts. Her roommate was also involved in the theatre community, so we all became best friends. After that first year, we lived together in a house in Lawrence.
What you’ll miss most with school being closed:
KU is very rich in traditions. I’m a sixth-generation Jayhawk and am deeply saddened that I won’t have the opportunity to “walk down the Hill” at graduation.
One of my favorite photos in the world is of my mother and grandfather at her graduation in 1986. They took a picture in front of the class gift from the Class of 1952, which was my grandfather’s graduating year. I really wanted to recreate that memory after my graduation from the KU School of Business and KU Honors Program this spring.

Best experience/memory with Starlight:
Before interning at Starlight last summer, my favorite program was the Blue Star Awards.
Every year, I attended the May ceremony with my Shawnee Mission North High School theatre friends. One year my closest friend was even nominated for Lead Actress, and I couldn’t have been more proud of her and our theatre program. In all, I enjoyed seeing Kansas City’s theatre community come together for this one night. Then, during my 2019 internship, my favorite experience was the bonds I created with my summer intern class. We did everything together – ate lunch, interacted throughout the day, and hung out as a family outside of Starlight. I couldn’t have asked for a better place to intern and learn!
How your summer at Starlight impacted your plans for the future:
My summer at Starlight changed and clarified my plans for the future. This internship really helped me pinpoint areas of interest.
As Starlight’s Development intern, I thoroughly enjoyed engaging with donors at donor-related events. I also found an interest in marketing and communications after learning more from the marketing department during brown-bag lunches.

Advice you’d give to college students to make the most of their internships:
Always be on time to things – or even five minutes early! This simple step will help you stand out.
Other advice? Ask questions during your internship. After my internship, I thought of questions that I wished I’d asked my supervisors during my time at Starlight. Also, after you complete a task, ask for more work. Doing this shows you are both efficient and willing to take on new projects
How you’re making the most of the final months of your now-virtual senior year:
Since I have this newfound freedom, I have been applying to more jobs and internships for this summer.
Sadly, it’s not a good time to be applying for positions, but I hope to gain as much experience as I can. Moving forward, I am working to pass senior courses, graduate with honors, and find a job or internship!
Favorite thing to do (besides studying!) during your COVID-19 quarantine:
Hanging out with my father.
I don’t think I’ve ever spent this much time with him alone before! We’ve learned a ton about each other and deepened our relationship.

Your immediate plans post-graduation:
I would like to find a full-time job or internship in digital marketing.
I am willing to relocate after this pandemic, but, as of now, I’m going to stay in Kansas City
Hopes / dreams for your future:
I would enjoy being a director or vice president of Marketing at a theatre nonprofit.
I know it’s a ton of work, but I hope I can work my way up one day!
Favorite musical and why:
Six the Musical
I saw it in London in March and fell in love with the music. It is about Henry VIII’s six wives. I have always been fascinated with the royal family, so being able to learn about history in the place where it happened was like no other – divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived!

How Starlight will be a part of your future:
My family has season tickets, and we love contributing to a nonprofit that gives so much back to the community.
Arts are often overlooked, but they can be impactful to many people. If I’m living in Kansas City, I will continue to be a season ticketholder for the Broadway season, attend select concerts, and participate in
Young Professionals of Starlight. This organization has already made a huge impact in my life. Once I’m at a good place financially in my career, I will be contributing to the operating fund at Starlight!