Starlight Staff ‘Growing Up’ in Theatre

Matilda The Musical, at Starlight Theatre through May 28, got our own staff thinking about our younger years, specifically about what we wanted to be “when we grow up.”
For many working year-round at Starlight, theatre has been a lifelong love. Some Starlight associates stole the spotlight on stage in high school and college. And, while we’re not on stage much these days, we’ve found new outlets for that love of theatre. Instead of growing up to be actors and actresses, we’ve honed our theatrical skills as marketers, sales coordinators, ticket administrators, educators and more.
This week on Instagram we’re using the hashtag #WhenIGrowUp to share photo “throwbacks” to those days when Starlight staff members stole the spotlight on the stage – and then “fast-forward photos” that show them happily fulfilling their Starlight roles today.
We hope this series shows that there are many rewarding jobs in the world of theatre beyond what you see onstage. Everyone can truly find a “role” they love when they grow up!
So, what do you want to be “when you grow up”? Tag and tell us on Instagram using the hashtag #WhenIGrowUp.
And, then, don’t forget to see Matilda at Starlight on Thursday, Friday or Saturday night!