Taylor Transports Us to 1907 Coney Island

On this week’s episode of Talkin’ with Taylor, Taylor chats with Beau Heyen, 2018 After Hours at the Towers Chair, to discuss the third annual fundraising event for young professionals at Starlight Theatre on Friday, April 27!
This year’s After Hours at the Towers event, which is hosted by Young Friends of Starlight, is inspired by Starlight’s upcoming performance of Love Never Dies, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s brand-new spellbinding sequel to The Phantom of the Opera. Guests will be transported to 1907 Coney Island and will enjoy music by Kansas City band Lost Wax, Boardwalk-inspired bites provided by thirteen local restaurants, fun-filled carnival games and awe-inspiring street performers.
Funds raised from event sponsorships benefit Starlight’s Bob Rohlf Internship program, which provides paid summer internships to college students across multiple departments.
Ticket prices range from $50 to $80, but guests who purchase by April 19 can save $5.
Click to RSVP and buy tickets to After Hours at the Towers.
Click for information on YFS membership benefits and how to join.