Volunteer to Share Your Time, Talents

As a not-for-profit organization, Starlight Theatre relies heavily upon the great work and good deeds of volunteers. If you’re looking for a way to give back to your community while putting your time and talents to use in 2015, consider becoming a Starlight Ambassador!
More than 200 adults volunteer on a seasonal or year-round basis at Starlight. These vital volunteers support important theatre operations and make the Starlight experience memorable for more than 200,000 guests each season. Ambassadors who work on Starlight show nights also get to stay to enjoy the show after their duties are completed.
The important duties that Starlight Ambassadors take on include:
- Ticket-taking
- Ushering
- Guest information
- Guiding tours
- Planning and decorating for cast parties
- Facilitating Starlight’s community ticket program
- Assisting with special events, such as auditions, award ceremonies and the annual gala
If you would like to share your skills while connecting with patrons of all ages, the 2015 Starlight Ambassador team wants to hear from you.
Contact Starlight house manager Nick Riojas at ambassadors@kcstarlight.comor 816.997.1163 for more information or to join.