Cast of 1776

Know the Show: 1776

Here’s what you need to know before you see 1776 at Starlight July 25-30.

Show History

The original production premiered on Broadway in 1969, winning three Tony Awards, including Best Musical.

It was made into a film in 1972 and revived on Broadway in 1997 and 2022.

This new production is a Kansas City and Starlight debut.


1776 is based on the events leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence, telling a story of the efforts of John Adams to persuade his colleagues to vote for American independence and sign the document.

This production casts people who identify as female, trans, and non-binary.

This show proudly uses a non-traditional casting model called conceptual casting (or conscious casting)—when a non-white actor, female actor, or actor with a disability is cast in a role to give the play greater resonance. This deliberate choice was done to make the audience more aware of the issues being addressed onstage. It re-examines a pivotal moment in American history with a cast that reflects multiple representations of race, gender, and ethnicity.

July 25-30

Run Time

2 hours 20 minutes + 15-minute intermission



Discount prices for groups of 10 or more are available by contacting Starlight’s group sales department at 816-997-1137 or

General parking is included with ticket purchase. Premium parking is $30 and may be purchased in advance only.

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